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Hope for the Hopeless, Friend to the Friendless

Project CNY Hope - Who Are We


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The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do NOTHING! ~ Albert Einstein


CNY PROJECT HOPE  helps the hopeless and less fortunate by making them sandwiches, hygiene bags, organizing/helping with local events that also help the homeless or hurricane victims, partnering with other organizations (Abundant Life/REACH, Samaritan Center, Rescue Mission and other local churches) to give homeless people a sense of HOPE, Dignity and let them know that someone DOES care about them!


Our Fundraisers help the Homeless get back on their feet and Off The Streets! The funds will be used to purchase housing to temporarily house homeless - Giving them the Opportunity to have a Home, Work, and Feel Proud Again!


Have you ever passed a homeless person on the streets and thought …”wish they would just get a job” or “they are not MY problem”.  Do not feel bad because YOU are NOT ALONE!  Most people try to ignore the homeless problem and just hope that it would go away.


Homelessness is a broad term that looks different for each person experiencing it.  Homelessness is both the problem and the symptom of other problems that can range from chronic substance abuse, financial instability caused by unemployment or underemployment, mental illness, domestic violence, sexual victimization, physical disability and more.  Often, it is a complex set of circumstances, choices, and traumas that lead a person to homelessness. 

Recovery from homelessness, then, is  sometimes called "an affair of the heart." 

In other words, recovery must address the holistic needs of each individual —

spiritual, emotional and physical.


Carry out a RANDOM ACT of KINDNESS, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that ONE DAY someone might do the SAME for you! ~ Princess Diana


Kindness is a wonderful way to let another struggling soul know that there is still LOVE in this world!

Galatians 6:2~ Carry each other’s burdens and in this day you will fulfill the law of Christ


Hebrews 13:16 ~ And do not forget to do good and share with others for with such sacrifices

God is pleased.


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